5-7 天,如果不开车
北碧府是泰国一个美丽而历史悠久的省份,为游客提供许多风景优美且令人难忘的体验。这次旅行的亮点是参观桂河大桥和死亡铁路,它们建于二 战期间,是对战俘牺牲的沉痛提醒。另一个亮点是参观令人惊叹的 Sai Yok 国家公园,这里有许多风景秀丽的瀑布、温泉和洞穴。无论您是历史爱好者、自然爱好者,还是只是寻找难忘的体验,这都适合您。

如果您打算租车,则需要从您的祖国获得国际驾驶执照。另一方面,如果您更喜欢使用公共交通工具,请继续向下滚动位 更多的。

One of the challenges that travellers face when visiting Kanchanaburi and Sai Yok from Bangkok is finding public transport options. Unlike other destinations, these places are not easily accessible through regular booking websites.
Instead, travellers need to use the official website of the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) to book their train tickets.
The website is https://www.railway.co.th/Home/Index and it has the option to change the language to English in the grey box at the top.
The train is the most scenic and affordable way to travel to Kanchanaburi and Sai Yok, as it passes through historical sites and natural attractions along the way.
The train departs from Thonburi station in Bangkok and stops at many stations including Kanchanaburi and Nam Tok, which is the waterfall in Sai Yok. The train journey takes about 4 hours and costs between 35 and 1100 baht, depending on the class of service.
Therefore, if you want to visit Kanchanaburi and Sai Yok from Bangkok, you should plan ahead and book your train tickets online using the SRT website. This way, you can enjoy a comfortable and scenic ride to these beautiful destinations.

如果你像我一样,就无法抗拒进入瀑布。那么这可能会让您感到意外,但您会被淋湿,因此您可能不得不预订附近的酒店,因为现场没有淋浴。如果您正在经过 Sai Yok 旅行,这也是分手旅行的好地方。也许先订旅馆,这样你就可以在弄湿之前把东西倒掉。